
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

An Introduction To Herbal Feminization

Hormones can be a risky solution for transgender females. Discover how herbs can help you feminize your figure safely and naturally.

The differences between men and women all boil down to hormones. Unfortunately, however, synthetic hormones are rarely a simple solution for feminization. There are numerous risks involved and medical supervision is a must.

For many transgender females (especially those who maintain a male persona), these risks simply outweigh the benefits. Does that mean it's time to kiss your wish of becoming a woman good bye? Not at all! Herbs are one feminizing alternative that won't cost you your health.

While many are quick to dismiss herbs as a form of quackery, the fact remains that numerous herbs impact the hormonal balance of the male body. These herbs, known as phytoestrogens, mimic the effects of estrogen and are particularly effective at triggering breast growth. After all, gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) is triggered by factors ranging from medications to marijuana to old age, so it stands to reason that herbs could also have this effect.

Does that make herbs a wholesale replacement for hormones? No. However, for those seeking only partial feminization, herbs can lead to an increase in breast size, softer skin, and possible rounding of the hips and behind.

How do you get started with herbal feminization? There are over 300 plants with phytoestrogenic activity, but the herbs that have proven most effective for feminization include fenugreek, fennel, wild yam, red clover, and hops. I suggest starting with a minimal dose of two or three herbs and working your way up as needed. (Just be sure not to exceed the manufacturer's recommended dosage and speak with your doctor first if you have a medical condition or take prescription medications.)

To maximize breast enlargement, I also recommend massaging liquid herbal extracts into the breasts. Your breasts have the ability to absorb plant chemicals directly, so this helps target herbs where they are needed most. Simply combine a dropper full of extract with a tablespoon of body lotion and massage into the breasts twice daily.

What can you expect? While individual results vary, many males are able to increase their breasts by two or three inches strictly through the use of herbs and massage. Most notice changes within three weeks, though it can take several months to experience significant growth.

Patience and realistic expectations are a must, but thousands of males and transgender females have proven that hormones aren't the only answer for a more feminine figure. Herbs truly can make a difference!

About the Author

Certified Herbal Information Specialist Lucille Sorella publishes the popular weekly ezine, “Secrets to Male Breast Enlargement.” If you're ready to develop feminine breasts safely and naturally, get your FREE tips now at

5 Herbal Remedies For Controlling Blood Pressure

Most of the herbal treatment options are easily available and happen to be very cost effective. Herbs can even offer permanent cure to your abnormal blood pressure. There are several effective herbs that help in controlling blood pressure. A few of them are discussed below.

There are various course of actions that people adopt in order to treat their blood pressure abnormality. Wide spread blood pressure medications are available as easiest mode of blood pressure treatment. But the treatment with the help of medication often results in certain side effects that may turn out as dangerous as blood pressure abnormality itself. That's why to keep themselves free of any probability of side effects blood pressure patients now a days prefer herbal blood pressure remedies.

Most of these herbal treatment options are easily available and happen to be very cost effective. Herbs can even offer permanent cure to your abnormal blood pressure. There are several effective herbs that help in controlling blood pressure. A few of them are discussed below.


Garlic happens to be one of the most effective natural remedy of blood pressure. It is particularly helpful in curing high blood pressure. It primarily affects diastolic blood pressure. Hypertension occurred due to cholesterol deposition could be successfully curbed by garlic as it is an efficient blood cholesterol reducing agent. You are needed to consume garlic for two to three weeks in order to get desired effect on blood pressure. It could be either eaten with food or taken separately. Don't take more than two or three cloves of garlic at a time.


The medicine is prepared from bark of Arjuna plant. It contains Q-ten enzymes as well as triterpine glycosides that are helpful in normal functioning of heart and arteries. By keeping arteries and heart in good working condition it controls blood pressure abnormality.

Melissa Officinalis

It is popularly known as lemon balm. It's particularly helpful in stress propelled hypertension.


This herb is specifically meant to strengthen heart to keep it in perfect condition for its normal functioning. The medicine also reduces stiffness of arteries. By bettering condition of heart and arteries this herb ensures a normal blood pressure.


It could be equally effective in blood pressure cure. It is specifically helpful in curing blood pressure abnormality among diabetics. As diabetics develop hypertension due to excess of LDL cholesterol and this medicine reduces LDL by producing more HDL.

These are some herbs that have found to be equally competent substitute of synthetic medications to control blood pressure. A consultation with doctor is must before going for these herbal remedies. Most often herbal medications are complimented with yoga therapy for a permanent cure to blood pressure imbalance.

About the Author

The author writes articles on different topics. To get more blood pressure articles visit

Herbs for Protection

If you have never used plant matter in magic before, I explain in detail in the column Plants, Herbs and Roots for Prosperity the different ways these substances can be practically used in rituals and everyday practice. In brief, the main methods of using plant material to summon protection are: carrying the substance on your person in a locket or a sachet, boiling the herb and sprinkling the residual water around your residence, putting a sprig of it under your bed or pillow, bathing in a distillation of it or burning it as incense. Also with love attracting, just keeping the living plant in your house can help increase your vibrations. Below I have detailed where an herb can be used for a specific protective purpose.

Ague Weed: A bath in this herb is alleged to banish evil spirits. This herb is also known as Boneset.
Agrimony: Is burned or sprinkled around the house to send bad spirits back to the sender.
Angelica: Worn on the person to protect from evil spirits, however a drawback of this herb is that it also may protect you from opportunities. Used formally in rites of exorcism to get rid of bad spirits. Brew into a tea it and sprinkle in the corners of a house to protect from evil spirits. It is also warn on the person in a locket or sachet for personal protection.
Anise: Stuffed under a pillow it protects from nightmares.
Ash: The branches can be shaken and rattled like a wand to cleanse a place of bad energy.
Asafoetida: Kept in a potpourri or burned for protection.
Bergamot: Usually used for money, but some sources say it can be used for personal protection and to attract good spirits as well.
Borage: Place in an area that is suspicious it is said to make the truth come out or have dishonesty, plots or secrets revealed.
Broom Tops: Boiled in salt water to keep evil spirits and ghosts away.
Caraway: Carry the seeds on your person to protect from disease and ill health. A few seeds in the clothing of a loved one are said to protect your marriage from infidelity.
Carnations: A bouquet of fresh or dried blossoms is said to protect the home and family from rivals and attackers of all sorts.
Camphor: Worn as a balm it is used to ward off physical attack or unwanted advances from others.
Cedar: The boughs or incense are burnt to protect the home from spirits. It also protects those in deep meditation or doing rituals from picking up unwanted energies and astral attack. It is toxic to reptiles and birds, however, so you should be careful using it if you have either as pets.

Coriander: Burn as an incense or wear the seeds on your person to protect against attack. Helps keep friends and lovers from accidents.
Deersbane: Burned to reveal bad energy or tell one the source of bad energy.
Dill: Sprinkle in a corner of a children’s room to protect them from harm.
Elder: A highly protective tree whose branches are burnt or kept in the home to save residents from accidents and attacks of all kinds.
Eucalyptus: Burnt in the home to protect the health from viruses, disease and plagues.
Geranium: Live bouquets, oil and incense are kept in the home to protect the family against attacks of all kinds and also disease. Worn as an oil to protect the health.
Heather: The sprigs are worn on the person or kept in the house to protect from evil spirits and unwanted attentions.
Lavender: Use a fresh bouquet, dried flowers, oil, perfume or incense to protect and shield your person and home from bad vibrations and negative people.
Marjoram: Sprinkled in the house for protection against accidents, burglars and unwanted visitors.
Myrtle: A sprig is kept above the front door for protection.
Motherwort: Burned or kept in sachets or lockets on the person for personal protection.
Pennyroyal: Burned to protect against domestic abuse and violence in the home.
Pine: A wreath of pine protects from bad spirits and attracts good spirits. The incense clears spaces of bad vibrations.
Snakeroot: Used to banish a person or thing from a home.
Rue: Rue Candles are burned for protection and the herb is burned to rid a space of bad thought forms and malevolent energies.
Slippery Elm: Place the herb in the place where you wish to get rid of slander or gossip. It may also be burned while sending bad thoughts back to the sender.
Vetivert: Wear the oil to protect yourself when you go out in dangerous or iffy situations.

About the Author

Sam Steven's metaphysical articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. You can meet Sam Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at where she is the staff writer. Currently she is studying technology's impact on the metaphysics.

A Quick Guide to Herbal Terminology

Always consult a qualified herbalist and/or health practitioner before using herbs and plants!


Infusions are the simplest way to access the active principles of herbs. Infusions are made the way we make tea using the dried and/or powdered parts of the herb or plant. If you can find an infusion ball all the better simple add the dried herb to the ball and pour over boiling water. Leave for 5 to 10 minutes then remove the ball and drink the liquid or add to the skin if you have been prescribed this method. In some cases it is best to leave the infusion much longer, for example, camomile flower heads make an excellent painkiller when applied to the skin. They work really well for sties and other eye problems as well. Simply infuse the camomile heads (make sure they are organic) in boiling water, leave over night, strain and then use the liquid. Soak the liquid in a cotton wool pad and apply to the affected area for about 20 minutes, do this repeatedly throughout the day.


Roots, fruits and bark need to simmer in order to extract their medicinal qualities. Cut or tear the roots and bark in to smaller pieces and place in a pan (make sure you use a lid) of simmering water. After about 20 minutes, cool and strain. The decoction can then be drunk or applied to skin depending on the plant and treatment required.


This means immersing a dried or fresh herb/plant in alcohol so the active principles can be extracted at high concentrations. The best alcohol to use is ethyl alcohol, distilled from cereals, however this is hard to obtain and a 45% proof pure vodka will do the trick. Never use methyl alcohol, isopropyl or methylated spirits, and always consult a qualified practitioner beforehand. Simply immerse a balance mix of herbs to alcohol and leave in a tightly closed jar until you need it. Then apply at the prescribed dosage.

Infused Oils

Pure oils like olive, sunflower and almond readily dissolve the active principles in plants and herbs. This is also called an infusion. Simply mix the herbs with the oil. Warning - exercise great caution whan taking preparing infused oils especially when they are to be taken internally, and do not use essential oils in this cavalier manner.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are the volatile oily components of herbs and plants and can be extracted by distillation, steam and enffleurage. In all cases follow instructions very carefully. Always consult a qualified herbalist and/or health practitioner before using herbs and plants!

About the Author

I work with the Green Directory and the Ethical Directory to promote a greener and healthier lifestyle. I also promote eco friendly Jobs and Employers at

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ashwagandha – Herbal Way to Reduce Stress

Ayurveda has a glorious world decorated by herbs and natural remedies. It has a divine origin and was created to treat people with all there despair they were suffering from. Ashwagandha is one of these herbs that is gifted to man by God.

Ashwagandha as the name suggest means smell of a horse (ashwa means horse and gandha means smell). Ashwagandha is an herb that is famous by many names world wide few of them are Indian ginseng, Indian winter cherry and Samm Al Ferakh. Ashwagandha bears a great effect on our body.

This herb finds its reference in the very beginning of one of the greatest medicinal science, ayurveda. Ashwagandha is considered to be one of the best herb that helps in achieving a disease less condition and more importantly, the mental peace to attain the mental satisfaction important in today’s fast moving and distracting life. It maintains the health and also helps in treating us from the diseases we may suffer from.

Pharmacologically Ashwagandha has the power to suppress vata dosha that is the ultimate cause of carrying the vitiated doshas to other parts of the body. As per modern sciences Ashwagandha has variety of pharmacological activities that facilitates it with the wonderful results it is presenting to us.

  • Adaptogenic properties - It is one of the best Adaptogenic agents that we are blessed with. It helps in increasing our body’s resistance and also helps us in fighting against any outer invasion that can harm our body’s homeostasis. The powerful actions of the constituents of withinia help our body to maintain the required equilibrium to attain a disease free condition of the body. These actions are produced by it due to presence of high amounts of oxygen rich steroids derivative C-28. It also contains at least 40 different types of withanolids that are having strong efficacy in promoting metabolism and inhibiting the free radical formation. This gives it an antioxidant property. It for this reason Ashwagandha has gained its popularity as one of the finest anti-oxidant.
  • Anti inflammatory and analgesic action - Ashwagandha has also been found very effective in relieving from pain and inflammatory condition that might be caused due to some mishap or injury. The supremacy of Ashwagandha lies with the fact that it has the potential to normalize any kind of disturbances happening in the body. Due to its vata suppressing properties it is very much helpful in eliminating diseases that are caused by vata vitiation.
  • Cancer – this name creates trebles in our body, but not to fear now. Researches held at various research centers throughout world has shown that Ashwagandha posses the properties that are very much beneficial in curbing the growth of cancer cells. It strongly acts on the cancer cells there by inhibiting the action at the initial stage thereby helping our body to face the risk of cancer. In technical terminology it wipes out the spindle formation at the metaphase.
  • Nervine weakness - One of the best qualities that Ashwagandha is blessed with is the power to strengthen our nervous system. The protective action of pentylenetetrazol helps in inhibiting the convulsions and wobbly movements of the body caused due to disturbances in are central nervous system (CNS). Researches have also proved that withinia has a strong effect on our nervous system. It provides proper nourishment and balance to it and also tones it up to facilitate better working.
  • Cardiovascular system - Recently astonishing effects of Ashwagandha has been seen on cardiovascular system. Research conducted at All Indian Institute of medical science (AIIMS), New Delhi, India has shown that Ashwagandha has sufficient amount of various agents that are extremely helpful in preventing ailments like myocardial necrosis and high degrees of blood pressure. Ashwagandha is slowly gaining its popularity as cardio-protective anti oxidant. It also has anti anxiety properties.
  • Aphrodisiac actions - as mentioned earlier also that Ashwagandha is called as Indian ginseng. It also finds its reference in the greatest love book ever written kamasutra. It is known to enhance the libido and increases the sense of indulgence to complete the act of love. As per the researches, the presence of nitric oxide facilitates it with the power to dilate blood vessels essential to carry out the sexual activity to the fullest.
  • Mental health – Ashwagandha has strong tendencies to fade away the negative energies that creep into our mind and helps to attain the new enthusiasm to fulfill our work. It promotes new zeal into our life and is also responsible for enhancing the memory skills due to presence of acetylcholine receptor capacity.

It is just miracle that a small bushy herb that grows wild here and there has the power to completely change our life in every means. It fills us with the new energies and makes us strong from inside.

About the Author

Read more about the benefits of Ashwagandha herb and Ashwagandha Supplements at - World's Finest Portal on Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies

Aromatherapy Herbs

Essential oils are best when made from organically grown aromatherapy herbs, because chemical soil additives change the scent.

Aromatherapy is an alternative field of medicine used for the treatment or prevention of diseases. It involves use of herbal oils. Aromatherapy is widely popular as a healing and calming cure for several common problems. Different types of aromatic herbs are available to suit different bodily needs. A correct herbal combination would ensure the best utilization of the healing power of this therapy. Different plant extracts are used for treating different kinds of problems. A combination of two or more herbal oils can be useful only in certain conditions. Lavender may be the most widely used of all aromatherapy herbs.

The aroma is calming and soothing, and lavender has medicinal effects in healing burns and wounds, helping digestion and improving respiratory problems. One of the most useful aromatherapy herbs, lavender is well tolerated even by people with allergies. Lavender blossoms are formed into wreathes, tied into bunches or braided into wands, then dried. Used decoratively, lavender adds color and texture to a room, and the delicate scent lasts for months. Sometimes the buds are stripped from the stems and made into sachets or used in potpourri. Lavender is often added to bath products because of its calming effect.

Luxurious creams and lotions are also calming and romantic. Lavender massage oil helps relax and soothe sore muscles. Lavender is safe to use on babies because it is gentle and soothing. Lavender baby powder and lotion help peevish babies relax and sleep, and lavender diaper cream is soothing and mildly antiseptic. As with all aromatherapy herbs, not everyone responds to lavender the same way. Even without any medicinal effect, however, most people enjoy the soothing, romantic scent of lavender.

Essential oils are rated for purity on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being most pure. Essential oils are very reduced and should be used sparingly. A drop or two in an oil diffuser or on a light bulb ring will scent an entire room. Essential oils can be diluted with carrier oils to make massage or bath oil, or to add to unscented shampoos, soaps or lotions. Aromatic herbs can be used for a long period of time, even for a few years. However, like any other natural product, they also tend to lose their effectiveness over time. Some aromatic oils react to certain environment differently. Some oils may degrade on prolonged contact with sunlight.

About the Author

Juliet Cohen writes articles for, and .

How To Grow And Handle Fresh Herbs From Your Garden Beds Or Your Container Garden

Fresh herbs are now more available than ever. The best way to get fresh herbs is to grow your own in either a garden bed or as a container garden. Here are ways to plant, handle and use fresh herbs from your herb gardens.

In any recipe calling for herbs, use fresh herbs. Preparing the herbs for your dish is easy. The more tender herbs like mint, parsley, basil and cilantro can be gathered in a bowl and snipped with scissors. This is the fastest and safest way to chop the herbs. If your recipe calls for the more hardy herbs like oregano, rosemary, or thyme you should use the stripping method. Hold a branch of the herb upright in your fingers and run the fingers of your other hand down the stalk stripping the tiny leaves free. The flavor will be more intense if you have gathered the herbs from your herb gardens or container gardens because they will be absolutely the freshest herbs available.

The best way to have fresh herbs is to plant and grow them yourself. No longer is there a designated “herb garden”. They can be found in your flower beds, along walkways or in pots on your porch. Many ambitious gardeners are finding new ways to incorporate herbs into their garden beds and their container gardens.

Many gardeners are unaware of the beauty of flowering herbs and never consider planting them within their flower beds. Some herbs that have beautiful flowers are purple coneflower, catmint, bee balm, yarrow, pinks, lavender, pot marigold, borage, feverfew, and nasturtium which is particularly lovely in fresh salads.. Many other herbs, such as parsley are excellent next to flowers of all sorts because of their spectacular foliage. When planting red or blue flowers, place purple basil around them for an artful arrangement.

Another area to consider is to use herbs as ground cover. The herbs that are suitable to this are the low growing oregano, chamomile, woolly and other creeping thyme, mint, and rosemary. Not only will it look pretty but it will be absolutely fragrant. Just be careful of the mint family, they tend to take over everything.

One of the best ways I have grown herbs is in containers. In fact, I like container gardening so much I wrote my eBook “Container Gardening Secrets” (available at, so everyone could enjoy this type of gardening. The beauty of a container garden is that it is portable and can be changed at a moment’s whim. When there is no more room in your garden, start a container garden which you can place on your door step or patio. Use them to fill in bare spots that come up during the gardening season or put them on a sunny window sill in your home for easy harvesting. Best of all you can bring your herb containers inside over the winter months and continue to harvest for months to add to your tasty meals or to be used for medicinal purposes.

Another way to employ pots in your garden is to plant invasive herbs such as mint into a pot and then plant pot and all into the ground. This is an easy trick to keep those “creepers” from taking over your garden beds.

Plant a container garden near your door with the cherry pie scented blue flower heliotrope and other fragrant herbs such as rosemary, thyme and basil. Every time you walk by you will be greeted with there delicious scent.

Some herbs that have grown on rocky hillsides over the centuries such as thyme, oregano and lavender are perfect for cracks in flag stone paths or walls and rock gardens. They thrive in hot dry areas with good drainage. Some believe that those herbs grown in these conditions produce much better flavor.

Now is the time to plant your herbs, whether it is in a garden bed, a cracked wall or a container garden. Use your imagination. Consider color height and texture when planting your gardens. Not only will it be visually pleasing but your cooking will improve too!

Happy Gardening!

Copyright © 2006 Mary Hanna All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

About the Author

Mary Hanna is an aspiring herbalist who lives in Central Florida. This allows her to grow gardens inside and outside year round. She has published other articles on Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at and

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lingzhi: The King of Herbs

Managements using herbs in reasonable and average grouping have been supervised carefully and should not be considered constantly.

In the better-quality category, these aromatic plants can be made in use in any amounts and incessantly with no adverse side effects. in the middle of the better-quality Herbs, Lingzhi is considered number first, and was for that reason the mainly exalted medication in prehistoric times, as a consequence it is also known as the" the King of Herbs". For many centuries Lingzhi or Reishi are called to be a medication that will gift you everlasting youth and prolonged existence.

A product popularly known as the Lisa Meizi slimming tea contains some of the most exotic and rare blend of mountain herbs.By reason of its therapeutic properties and its infrequency, lots of studies were conceded out to develop Lingzhi / Reishi. By means of the accomplishment in enlightening Lingzhi, Lingzhi is now further with good grace obtainable to us to employ to preserve good physical condition or extravagance sicknesses. Scientists can at the present make further investigation to appreciate its therapeutic properties. One of the successes is that Lingzhi is establish to be efficient in fighting in opposition to cancer, despite the fact that a lot of modern medication professionals still economical it, have a preference using the medicines and chemotherapy which are exposed to have a lot of bad side consequences.

Ganoderma Lucidum also known as Lingzhi / Reishi are at present used in a lot of forms and are formed in more than a few ways to take out the most excellent therapeutic properties. In its unadulterated powder structure, it is still moderately luxurious, about thirty cents per tablet and is more often than not taken two to four capsules for each day for physical condition safeguarding. A smaller amount luxurious method is overwhelming coffee, tea and additional drinks which enclose Ganoderma or Lingzhi in them. A number of these are now commonly recognized as Lingzhi Coffee or Healthy Coffee.
Thousands at the present have gathered the advantage of consuming such coffee, feeling with a reduction of tiredness, extra vigorous with much less caffeine than the regular coffee that they used to take before.
Action by using Ganoderma Lucidum is also known by some people as Ganotherapy.There have been several testimonials and an investigation showing the outstanding therapeutic properties of Lingzhi, which is also called as Ganoderma Lucidum which corroborates that it, is certainly The King of Herbs.

About the Author

For weight loss buy diet pills, 2 day diet and Japan lingzhi diet pills.

7 Powerful Herbs For Diabetics

What if there were herbs that have similiar effects upon the body as insulin, but at a fraction of the cost...

Before we get to the 7 Herbs all diabetics should know about we must first briefly address insulin resistance.

Insulin Resistance: The basis or forerunner of diabetes is insulin resistance.

At least twenty-five to 30 percent of all Americans 60-75 million people are insulin resistant. At least 5-10 percent of whom will develop type 2 diabetes. However Insulin Resistance is associated with more than just diabetes. It is also regarded as a fundamental factor in other serious medical conditions such as…obesity, hypertension, abnormalities in cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, and increased risk of heart disease.

Fact: 90 percent of all diabetics (those with type 2 diabetes) have a pancreas that produces plenty of insulin.

Fact: Their cells resist the efforts of insulin and refuse to let the insulin in.

Fact: Research suggests that the root cause of insulin resistance is found in an intercellular breakdown in signaling. Insulin is a chemical messenger. It sends signals to proteins called GLUT- 4 transporters. These transporters reside within the cell. Upon receipt of the signal they are to rise to the cell’s membrane where they grab glucose and take it inside the cell. In those who are insulin resistant the GLUT-4 transporters don’t get the message…They can’t hear the knock of the insulin on the door.

Fact: The pancreas responds by churning out more and still more insulin…the knock becomes louder and louder on the door of the cells…The levels of glucose as well as the levels of insulin in the blood rise, sometimes significantly. In the earlier stages of insulin resistance the message eventually gets heard, and the glucose is let in…this is called compensated insulin resistance. It is called “compensated” because the pancreas responded by producing more insulin, and glucose levels eventually normalized. However, with the passage of time the pancreas is worn out by this over production… glucose levels remain elevated for prolonged periods; this is identified as uncompensated insulin resistance, and is “the essence of advanced type 2 diabetes.”

Uncontrolled Diabetes Can Cause: Blindness: (#1 cause in of blindness in people 20-74), Kidney Failure :( diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure) Nerve Damage: (diabetic neuropathy effects 60-70 percent of all diabetics…nerve damage may also impair digestion and sexual function, especially in men, it may also cause a number of other complications. Amputations: (Over 56,000 amputations are performed annually…In 2004, about 71,000 non-traumatic lower-limb amputations were performed in people with diabetes. Heart disease and stroke: (Heart disease and stroke account for about 65% of deaths in people with diabetes, Adults with diabetes have heart disease death rates about 2 to 4 times higher than adults without diabetes. The risk for stroke is 2 to 4 times higher and the risk of death from stroke is 2.8 times higher among people with diabetes). There are many other complications as well.

7 Herbs That All Diabetics Should Know About…

The herbal aspect is only one aspect of a total program which includes lifestyle and eating habit changes. However the herbal element must not be overlooked. There are more than just seven herbs that are helpful but these are some of the good ones…:

•Licorice: Acts like the hormone cortin and helps the blood sugar…Maybe the best single herb that you can take for this condition. Increases the effectiveness of glucocorticoids (adrenal hormones) circulating in the liver and mimics the action of those hormones. Eating this herb helping prevents the destruction of the pancreas.

•Bilberry: Helps control insulin levels, and helps with diabetic retinopathy.

•Wild Yam: Helps control insulin levels.

•Cedar Berries: Helps rebuild and rejuvenate the pancreas.

•Ginger Root: Works indirectly to the availability of dietary nutrients necessary for digestion and metabolism.

•Fenugreek: The seeds have been shown to lower blood sugar.

•Golden Seal: Golden seal has the ability to lower bleed sugar. Once in the blood stream it can also regulate liver functions.

In my herbal practice and ministry I am encountering more and more people that need help with diabetes. Diabetes has been, and can be reversed combing lifestyle changes, diet, exercise, a herbal program, and maybe even some supplements.

About the Author

Keith Henry is the Director of He is also a Medical Missionary Herbalist, and a Naturopatheic Doctor Candidate(Traditional

Remedy For Diabetes check out Herbal Promise.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Alternative Medicines - How to Lucid Dream and Awake in Your Sleep

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly? Ever wanted to be the President? Maybe you've always wondered what it would be like to time travel; perhaps even take a ride on the back of a brontosaurus. Once you learn how to lucid dream all this and more is available to you on command. The only limit to what you can do is your own imagination.

Put simply a lucid dream is a dream in which you become aware of the fact that you are dreaming. For most people the ability to differentiate between a dream and reality is only available when they are awake. It may happen like this: We have a nightmare that causes us to jolt awake. It may take us a few moments, but once we wake up we can usually reassure ourselves that "it was only a dream". If you have lucid dreams you are able to realize that you are dreaming before you wake up. Not only that, but if you're having a nightmare you can consciously pursue many options to make the dream less distressing.

Most people already have some level of lucid dreaming skill. Many people have had the occasional dream where the sequence of events is so unusual or unexpected that they can only conclude that they must be dreaming. Often when this happens the person will either wake up, or continue dreaming passively. Unless they have learned how to lucid dream, rarely will they be able to take control of the dream from that point and direct the action as they see fit.

Lucid dreaming can best be likened to writing and starring in your own movie. Once you have developed the ability to distinguish dream from reality whilst asleep, you'll find that the entire dream world is your movie set. Limitations that restrict you in your waking life simply no longer apply. Causality, Physics and even language barriers can be overcome simply by wishing it so. Want to fly? Try it and see what happens. Feel like a afternoon tea with Genghis Kahn? Grab some scones and your teapot and get comfortable. Leap over a building in a single bound? Stop a speeding locomotive with your bare hands? Tie your cape on and have at it.

As fun as this sounds, for most people it can be difficult even to recall a normal dream, much less be consciously aware of it while it is happening. Learning how to lucid dream is something that can be done easily with a little practice and determination.

If you want to learn how to lucid dream you'll need to first learn to recall your dreams. Often you might find that you'll recall a dream from the previous night only when something happens during the day to remind you. Dream recall is important for two reasons. Firstly if you can't recall your dreams it's possible that you may have achieved some level of lucidity and forget all about it when you wake up. Secondly the ability to identify common themes, symbols, people or places in your dreams will become an important aid to your becoming aware of a dream.

As you practice dream recall, you may discover that you regularly dream about penguins. Unless you see penguins frequently in your daily life the sight of a penguin may be enough to trigger a reality check inside a dream and cause you to become lucid.

Reality checks are the second important skill to master. Most people find it helps to regularly ask themselves the question: "am I dreaming at the moment?" Once this becomes a habit during waking hours the act of habitually performing your reality check in a dream should be enough to alert you to the fact that, this time, you are dreaming.

When I first began to learn how to lucid dream, I found that performing regularly scheduled reality checks or setting up triggers that would remind me to perform reality checks was just too difficult. Instead I found that I had success just by focusing on the intention to have a lucid dream. When I started to focus on dreaming as I went to bed, and dream recall after I awoke two things happened: My dream recollection increased dramatically, and in a week I'd had my first lucid dream.

Because lucid dreaming is a skill, you can expect to have some less-than perfect results to begin with. Let's suppose that flying is one of the main reasons you want to learn how to lucid dream. You might find that initially you'll have a dream where you either fly, or try unsuccessfully to fly. Because your dream recall is working, you recall the dream, but you won't realize that you were dreaming about it until the next morning. This should not be interpreted as failure. Indeed it's a signal that your unconscious mind is paying attention.

The best advice that I can give to you as you begin to learn how to lucid dream is to treat as you would any other skill. Have in your mind a clear understanding of why you want to be able to lucid dream: Do you want to create a dreamscape as your own private playground, or do you want to be able to do something very specific? Unless you're very clear on your desire to develop the skill, chances are you will have limited or no success.

Once you're clear on why you want to learn how to lucid dream, you need to focus your attention on it each time you think about sleep. Whenever you feel tired, remind yourself that sleep time equates to dream time. When you wake up make it a habit to exercise dream recall. Dream recall fades in direct proportion to your alertness levels so it's best to do this as close to the time you wake up as possible.

Finally, search for ways that your unconscious mind might be trying to use to alert you to the fact that it is doing its part to help. Taking flying as the example again, are you perhaps noticing that you see more planes or birds lately? Maybe you heard "Learning to Fly" by Pink Floyd when you turned the radio on. In the initial stages you want to notice and reinforce approximately correct results so that your unconscious mind will continue to work with you.

It may take a little bit of time, and your initial dream results may be less impressive (In my first lucid dream, all I could do was change one person into somebody I liked better) but once you've learned how to lucid dream, you'll never think about going to bed the same way again.

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About alien:
Read out Natural herbs . Also check out for pregnancy diet and aloe vera capsule

Alternative Medicines - Natural GreenTea Reduces Bad Cholesterol

Ancient Knowledge.

Since the advent of human beings, the various sages capable of far sight, in various locales and various time-intervals, have advised man that, “for lack of knowledge, a people surely perish”.

One of the ills of modern civilization, especially in the western world, that has so many of our population at a worrisome pitch and therefore stressed and perishing one by one, is that of high bad cholesterol and how to reduce it.

What is thought to be the modern approach to reducing bad cholesterol has demonstrably proven that the so called cure is expensive and far worse than the disease, not to mention the notorious and dangerous side-effects of such as the statin drugs.

Some of those risky side-effects include decreased libido, inability of your body to absorb nutrients, liver damage etc . Is it any wonder that a visitor from yonder, like the Pleiades constellation of planets, would definitely conclude that human-beings of planet earth have certainly taken a holiday from their senses. A JAMA 2000 issue in essence supports that conclusion.

Natural Tea Flavonoids.

The plain indisputable fact is that there are available very affordable, safe, gentle, effective and natural means to reduce ldl cholesterol, and to raise the good hdl levels..

Honest clinical research results have shown that an abundant regular intake of natural plant phytocompounds, classified as pigments and called flavonoids, is just one of nature’s means of surely reducing your high bad cholesterol.

The clinical research served to verify conclusively what the older civilizations of this planet already knew, by practice of use and observations over centuries.. It is called empirical evidence, and that the regular drinking of natural tea is very good for your health, besides reducing the high ldl cholesterol levels.

These flavonoids are naturally present in both black and green teas, and right there is your greatest hint why green tea is finally becoming the talk of town and gaining popularity in North America, with the U.S. joining in at the tail end of this natural health awareness already known in other countries .

Tea-drinking is a very favorite “past-time” in Asia- Minor, the Far-East and all over the former British colonies minus the cucumber sandwiches.

What Is Chai?

In a number of countries, tea is called chai. In India, to example, ancient home of the ayurvedic medicine, chai is a popular traditional beverage, of hot black tea with hot milk and spices. In Ceylon(Sri Lanka), East-Africa, Mauritius and Madagascar, tea is indeed chai.

And please note very carefully, you need both the black and green teas. It is the combination of both teas that carries the most impressive, high impact cholesterol reducing effect

Each tea type be it black or green has positive health effects and it is the combination of both that is your best choice for the best results. Furthermore, the plant kingdom is generous enough, and also has endowed us with the flavonoids in both vegetables and fresh fruits.

And have you noticed, that for a strange reason of the modern mind-set most people especially in the economically developed countries ignore to eat vegetables and amazingly jump over natural nutritious juices to blindly partake of the carbonated, processed and artificially flavored sodas. Many misguided children jump over nutritious fresh fruit to prefer preservatives and processed sugar loaded candies.

Difference Between Green And Black Teas.

The obvious difference between the green and black teas arises from how they are prepared. Green tea is strictly dried leaves of the tea-plant, whereas to get black tea the leaves are fermented.

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About alien:
Read out Natural herbs . Also check out for pregnancy diet and aloe vera capsule

Friday, July 18, 2008

Garden Sage (Salvia Officinalis) - Side Effects and Benefits

Botanical Name of Garden Sage: Salvia Officinalis

Other Common Names:Common, garden, kitchen or dalmation sage, salie and salvia

Habitat: This plant is native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean region but has been naturalized to other warmer temperate climates, including North America. Garden sage (Salvia Officinalis) prospers in an alkaline soil in full sun. It is commonly found in dry banks and rocky soil.

Plant Description: Garden sage is a fragrant shrub with silver-green leaves. It has a woody stem and blue to purplish flowers. This plant may reach a height of 60 centimeters and a spread of 45 centimeters. The garden sage plant flowers in mid-summer.

Plant Parts Used: The flowers and leaves can be dried for herbal uses, although the leaves are most commonly used.

Therapeutic Uses and Benefits of Garden Sage (Salvia Officinalis)

* Traditionally, the leaves have been made into a poultice and used externally to treat sprains, swelling, ulcers and bleeding. It was also commonly used in tea form to treat sore throats and coughing.
* Considered by many herbalists as a good medicinal herb for treating eczema.
* Garden sage is useful in treating the symptoms of menopause, including “hot flashes.”
* Salvia officinalis has shown anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that make it a useful weapon in combating many illnesses. Some studies have shown it to be effective against candida albicans, herpes simplex virus II, and influenza virus II.
* This herb has shown great promise in aiding digestion and enhancing overall tone of the digestive tract.
* Garden sage also has shown anti-oxidant properties equal to that of alpha-tocopherol.
* Sage helps reduce excessive perspiration and salivation.
* Salvia officinalis may also support liver and pancreatic function.
* Sage tea does appear to have a mild calming effect as well.
* Garden sage may be helpful in Type II diabetes for lowering blood sugar levels through Insulin support (although only a mild effect.)
* Sage has been used commonly as a flavor preserver in foods, as well as a flavoring during cooking.
* Leaves of the sage plant can be placed in bathwater to enhance dark hair.
* Garden sage leaves may be applied to an aching tooth to relieve pain.

Dosage and Administration

Garden sage may be taken in tea form, added to foods while cooking, added raw to salads and sandwiches, and also in tablet/capsule form. The recommended dosage is 400 mg taken one to three times daily. Sage may also be used in aromatherapy.

Side Effects and Possible Interactions of Garden Sage (Salvia Officinalis)

There are no major side effects documented with garden sage use in normal doses. It may be toxic in large dosages or when used for a prolonged period. It should not be used while pregnant or breast feeding. Salvia officinalis should not be used by people with epilepsy or other seizure disorders. No drug interactions have been noted with sage use.

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About alien:
Alien writes for Natural herbs . He also writes for herbs and asthma home remedies

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) - Side Effects and Benefits

Botanical Name of Red Clover: Trifolium pratense L.

Other Common Names: Beebread, cow clover, meadow clover, purple clover, trefoil, wild clover.

Habitat: Red clover is a perennial herb that grows commonly in the wild throughout Europe, Asia and Africa and has been naturalised to North America. It is used as a grazing food for cattle and as a green manure as is a nitrogen–rich crop.

Description: Red clover is a member of the Leguminosae family. It can grow to approximately 1-2 feet and has purple-pink tubular flowers. Its name is derived from Latin: tres for three and folium for leaf and pratense for growing in meadows.

Plant Parts Used: Flower heads. Red clover is generally taken as a standardised extract in tablet form. Red clover leaves are eaten as a salad and the flowers are dried for use in teas.

Therapeutic Uses, Benefits and Claims of Red Clover

* Red clover has a long history of traditional use in China, Europe and Russia for a variety of medical conditions including bronchial asthma, liver and digestive ailments, sore eyes and burns.
* It was thought to purify the blood by promoting urine, mucus and bile production and improve circulation.
* Traditionally red clover ointments have been applied to the skin to treat conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
* There is a history of use of red clover as a short-term cough medicine for children.
* Red clover is a rich source of the isoflavones; formonnectin, biochanin A, daidzin and genistein which are natural hormones
* Red clover supplements are promoted worldwide for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and the maintenance of health and welfare after the menopause.
* Clinical trials show that red clover extracts may provides some benefit for hot flushes associated with the menopause.
* It is also suggested that Red Clover may be of use for women experiencing breast pain.
* There is promising evidence for a positive role for red clover in the development of osteoporosis.
* Red clover extracts have been shown to have a positive effect on high blood pressure.
* Clinical studies have shown red clover to have no detrimental effect on the womb or breast tissue.
* In addition it’s natural hormonal components; Red clover contains many essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, chromium, niacin, phosphorous, potassium, thiamine, magnesium, and vitamin C.
* Red clover can be found in herbal combinations thought to be useful for women’s health.

Potential Side Effects of Red Clover

Side effects with red clover are generally mild and rare. They include breast tenderness, menstruation changes and weight gain. Red clover extracts have theoretically been associated with interactions with blood thinning agents e.g. warfarin and hormonal therapies but this has not been confirmed with actual case reports. Although there is no evidence for concern, it is advised that red clover extracts should be avoided in women with a history of breast cancer. Pregnant and breast feeding women should not take red clover.

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About alien:
Alien writes for Natural herbs . He also writes for herbs and asthma home remedies

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Morning Walks and Herbs

Collecting, Drying, & Storing Herbs

There is no better initiation into the therapeutic world of herbs than morning walks in spring or summer, when fields and hedgerows are everyone's herbal dispensary, open all hours. The sheer enjoyment of being in their midst and gathering leaves and blossoms, roots and barks for healing, can never be exaggerated.

Always pick herbs away from roadsides or cultivated land that may have been sprayed, and gather them at their most vigorous. Be careful not to over pick the same area, or gather from places where the plant is scarce, and avoid any plant that looks stunted or diseased. Be gentle in your handling of fresh herbs - do not bruise or crush them, or hold them for too long.

For most herbs in spring and summer leaves are at their best just before flowering, and flowers are at their best just as they are bursting into bloom. Bark should be harvested in spring as the sap rises, while roots and rhizomes should be left until fall/autumn.

Collect leaves and flowers on a dry, sunny day in the morning, once the dew has dried, as dampness will cause them to deteriorate-quickly. Bark, roots, and rhizomes are easier to pull after rain. Collecting, drying, and storing, as soon as you get home spread the plants out to dry in a single layer or hang them in small bunches. Choose a warm, airy, well-ventilated place in the shade, such as an attic or shed.

Wash and cut roots and rhizomes only and then dry them. Turn the herbs frequently over the next few days, and when dry, break them up into small pieces. Drying times vary depending on the plant and the part you intend to use. Generally, leaves should be brittle and break easily.

Stems and stalks should break and not bend. Flower petals should rustle but not crumble. Bark and roots should be dry enough to snap, or if they are thick, to chip with a mall hammer. Dried herbs should look, taste and smell like the fresh plant, but be about one-eighth the weight. Store the herbs in a dark, dry place, in brown paper bags, cardboard boxes or dark glass jars with cork stoppers - never in plastic because it encourages condensation inside the container.

Label the containers carefully. Aerial parts will keep for about a year; roots and bark for two. All those methods would be very useful in our daily lives.

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Guarana - Side Effects and Benefits

Botanical Name of Guarana: Paullinia cupana

Other Common Names: Guarana kletterstrauch, guaranastruik, quarana, quarane, cupana, Brazilian cocoa, uabano, uaranzeiro.

Habitat: The guarana plant thrives in the lush Amazon rainforest. It requires tropical temperatures and plentiful rainfall to flourish.

Plant Description: Guarana is a creeping shrub that can grow to 12 meters in height. The bright red fruit is round and grows in clusters. When ripe the fruit splits, revealing black seeds. The seeds are surrounded by a white arils, giving them an “eyeball” appearance.

Plant Parts Used: The seed and the fruit of the guarana plant are used.

Therapeutic Uses, Benefits and Claims of Guarana

* Guarana’s use by South American native tribes predates the discovery of Brazil. These tribes recognized its stimulant effect and used it during times of fasting as well.
* Traditionally, the native tribes of Brazil and the surrounding countries have used guarana to treat many ailments. Included in this list are diarrhea, hypertension, fever, migraine, neuralgia, and dysentery. It has also been used to treat pain, overcome heat fatigue, combat premature aging, detoxify the blood. It has been found useful to control intestinal gas, obesity, dyspepsia, fatigue, and arteriosclerosis
* Guarana’s effect on the central nervous system, most specifically as a stimulant, has caught the attention of many athletes and dieters. The metabolism boosting and energy producing effect make this a popular supplement with those trying to boost performance or losing weight by increased caloric burning.
* Guarana has a higher percentage of caffeine than the coffee or cacao beans. For this reason it is often used in energy drinks and soft drinks. Some people even dry roast the seeds and produce a paste that can later be made into a drink or used in foods.
* Guarana is also used as a cardiovascular health aid. It is used to tone, strengthen and balance the heart. It is also used to cleanse the blood and keep it from becoming “sticky” and forming clots.
* Guarana has also found favor as a means for preventing heat stroke and other heat illnesses. It lowers body temperature and supports the body’s exchange of electrolytes.
* The stimulant effect also helps with focus and mental acuity. Sharper focus and better control of mental faculties is a positive effect of the stimulation of the central nervous system.
* It has also been shown to be an analgesic (pain-reliever), nervine (tone and calm nerves), and a neurasthenic (reduce nerve pain.) These factors support its use as a pain reliever.
* Guarana is often added to herbal weight loss supplements to increase the themogenesis and help control appetite.

Dosage and Administration:

Guarana may be found in many herbal combinations or in capsule form by itself. In these forms the manufacturers recommended dosage should always be followed. For fresh preparation 1 to 2 grams of the fresh seed may be ground and added to 1 cup of water and boiled. This may be consumed 3 times per day.

Potential Side Effects of Guarana

Anxiety, jitters, difficulty falling asleep, palpatations and increased blood pressure may all result from use of this supplement. Urinary frequency and dehydration may also be experienced. Any person allergic to, or with previous adverse effects associated with, caffeine should avoid this supplement due to its high caffeine content. Pregnant women should avoid high doses of this supplement

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About alien:
Alien writes for Natural herbs . He also writes for herbs and asthma home remedies

Garcinia Cambogia - Side Effects and Benefits

Botanical Name: Garcinia cambogia

Other Common Names of Garcinia Cambogia: Brindle berry, brindall berry, garcinia, malabar tamarind, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), citrin, gambooge, gorikapuli, uppagi, garcinia kola, mangosteen oil tree.

Habitat: India and South East Asia.

Description:Garcinia cambogia is a flowering evergreen tree, with drooping branches. The fruit is yellow, oval in shape and resembles small pumpkins. Garcinia is part of the same family as mangosteens; the fruit is harvested, dried and ground into a powder.

Plant Parts Used: Fruit rind.

Therapeutic Uses, Benefits and Claims of Garcinia Cambogia

* Garcinia cambogia, with its distinctly sour sweet taste, has been used for centuries in South East Asia to make meals more filling.
* The active constituent in this herb is called Hydroxycitric acid or HCA and is gaining a reputation for assisting weight loss through appetite suppression and by reducing the body’s ability to form adipose(fatty) tissue during times of overeating.

The mechanism for garcinia’s weight loss ability is still being understood; but is believed to be through inhibiting the body’s ability to convert carbohydrates to fats. This leads to an increase in glycogen in the liver, which sends a message to the brain indicating satiety, and in turn reduces appetite.

In recent years studies are focusing on the most effective form of HCA to take for maximum therapeutic benefit. What is significant is that a recent Japanese study, using an animal model, indicated that during exercise the regular use of HCA promotes fat burning and spares carbohydrate utilization at rest and during exercise. Giving garcinia an indication for endurance exercise.
* Garcinia has also been historically used to treat gastric ulcers. A 2002 study indicates this herb works primarily through the action of one of these plant’s constituents, garcinol. Garcinol is known to lower acidity in the stomach and protects the gastric mucosa.
* The rind of garcinia cambogia is also astringent, which is why it was also historically used in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentry as well as having the added benefit in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
* The ability for Garcinia’s component, HCA, to reduce blood lipid levels and lower blood cholesterol is another feature of this amazing natural medicine.
* More recently, it has been proposed that Garcinia cambogia has a hepato protective ability against external toxins, such as alcohol. A recent study showed that Garcinia prevented liver cells from becoming fibrotic and stopped cell damage caused by high blood lipid levels.

Potential Side Effects of Garcinia Cambogia

There are no known side effects for using this herb, however, it is not recommended for diabetics or people suffering any dementia syndrome, including Alzheimer’s; and in pregnant and lactating women. Garcinia cambogia does have contraindications with certain medications, and it is important to discuss this with your health care professional.

Therapeutic Dosages

Supplements are available in various forms including tablets, capsules, powders, extracts and even snack bars. Garcinia cambogia medications are usually standardised to contain fixed percentage of HCA. The usual dosage for garcinia is 300 to 500mg tablets three times daily taken half an hour before meals with water.

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About alien:
Alien writes for Natural herbs . He also writes for herbs and asthma home remedies

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Alternative Medicines - Rotavirus Diarrhea Remedies

Rotavirus is one type of virus that causes diarrhea, especially in young children. Infection is caused by group A rotaviruses, which are wheel-shaped viruses. . Rotavirus diarrhea usually lasts from 4 to 6 days, but may last longer and cause intermittent diarrhea in children who have compromised immune systems. Rotavirus infection usually occurs during the winter months. Some children have no symptoms of rotavirus infection while others may have severe vomiting , watery diarrhea, and fever. In some instances, there may also be a cough or runny nose. Rotavirus infections are responsible for approximately 3 million cases of diarrhea and 55,000 hospitalizations for diarrhea and dehydration in children under 5 years old each year in the United States. Although these infections cause relatively few deaths in the United States, diarrhea caused by rotavirus results in more than half a million deaths worldwide every year. Rotavirus infection is very contagious. Viral Gastroenteritis is caused by a variety of agents. Noroviruses, adnenoviruses, astroviruses and many others may be responsible for diarrhea.

This is especially true in developing countries, where nutrition and health care are not optimal. Rotavirus spreads very easily. The virus is transmitted by hand-to-mouth contact with stool from an infected person. The virus can be passed from one person to another by touching a hand contaminated by the virus. The virus can also be transmitted by merely touching a surface or object that has been contaminated by an infected person. Children with a rotavirus infection have fever, nausea, and vomiting, which are often followed by abdominal cramps and frequent, watery diarrhea. Children who are infected may also have a cough and runny nose. The seriousness of infection generally decreases with the number of infections. First infections tend to be the most severe. Some children who become dehydrated need to have fluids replaced through a vein (intravenously) in the hospital. Children can become infected if they put their fingers in their mouths after touching something that has been contaminated by the stool of an infected person.

Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhea in children in the United States. Rotavirus accounts for more than 500,000 physician visits and approximately 50,000 hospitalizations each year among children less than 5 years of age. Rotavirus is a non-enveloped virus of the family Reoviridae. It derives its name from its wheel like appearance when viewed under an electron microscope, from the latin rota, meaning wheel. Rotavirus can infect people of all ages, as well as many other animals, however, in humans its primary targets are infants, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems, as is seen in AIDS. It is a seasonal disease in the United States, with most of the disease occurring in the winter and spring. Rotaviruses are transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Only 10 to 100 infectious virus particles are needed to cause infection.

Rotavirus Diarrhea Treatment Tips

1. Wash raw vegetables thoroughly before eating.

2. Avoid unpasteurized (raw) milk or foods made from unpasteurized milk.

3. Wash hands, knives, and cutting boards after handling uncooked foods.

4. Avoid getting fluid from hot dog packages on other foods, utensils, and food preparation surfaces.

5. Do not eat soft cheeses such as feta, Brie, and Camembert, blue-veined cheeses.

6. Do not eat refrigerated pâtés or meat spreads. Canned or shelf-stable pâtés and meat spreads may be eaten.

7. Do not eat refrigerated smoked seafood, unless it is contained in acooked dish, such as a casserole.

8. Fruit juices and soft drinks can make diarrhea worse and should be avoided.

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About alien:
Read out Natural herbs . Also check out for pregnancy diet and aloe vera capsule

Alternative Medicines - Mercury and human health

Mercury is a very dangerous poison. Basically, there are three forms of mercury: metallic, inorganic and organic. Although there is considerable debate as to which form is the most harmful, there is abundant evidence that indicates the inorganic form (also called ionic mercury) is the most dangerous. Ionic mercury is also the most difficult to remove from the body and in particular from the brain. Fortunately, few people are exposed to ionic mercury directly - most exposure is indirect. Unfortunately, a number of studies have shown that the other two forms are converted into ionic mercury within the tissues, especially in the brain. Therefore, any and all mercury exposure should be regarded as basically having the same potential.

Many people have suffered and died from mercury poisoning. The following are two incidents of mercury poisoning that gained the attention of the media:

* Mercury was dumped into Minamata bay in Japan from 1932-1968. Over 5,000 people suffered from mercury poisoning and 456 died. Children were born severely deformed and mentally retarded.
* In 1971 50,000 people in Iraq were poisoned and 5,000 died after they ate bread contaminated with mercury.

Although these were dramatic and tragic events the largest sources of mercury poisoning are:

* Dental fillings
* Contaminated fish
* Vaccines
* House paint

Almost 50% of dental fillings are the metallic form of mercury. The American Dental Society, until just recently, covered up the evidence that the mercury was released in vapor form and that 80% of that mercury vapor was absorbed into the body. Several studies have shown that blood levels of mercury rise several times when people with amalgam fillings chew or drink hot liquids. This is significant. Consider that in 1990, the EPA outlawed the use of mercury-filled interior latex paint because studies found that people living in houses covered in this paint had dangerously high mercury levels in their bodies. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) set the safety limit of mercury in the air at 50 ug per cubic meter (50 ug/m3). Measurements of the air in the mouths of people with numerous amalgam fillings have exceeded this level (reaching as high as150 ug/m3). This has particular implications for pregnant and breast feeding women.

Fish and other seafood are contaminated by waste from coal burning furnaces and pesticides and herbicides containing mercury. The sea floor also produces natural sources of mercury. As a result, a large number of previously safe seafood are contaminated with mercury. The mercury enters all sea creatures, but some are more toxic than others. Fish that eat other fish have the highest levels and in general the larger the fish, the higher the concentration. Certain fish should never be eaten, because of their extremely high methylmercury levels. These include:

* shark,
* swordfish,
* king mackerel and
* tilefish.

Select fish and other seafood that are low in mercury, such as salmon (from the Pacific) or pollock, or shrimp. However, Gulf shrimp is contaminated with a number of industrial chemicals as well as mercury, especially since Hurricane Katrina. Although most vaccines had their mercury removed as of 2001, the flu vaccines and the Rho immune globulin vaccine still contain mercury. Vaccines contain a special form of mercury called ethylmercury, which is found within the preservative and antiseptic thimerosal. Recent studies have examined ethylmercury and found that in fact it is much more toxic than methylmercury (the form found in fish). In the brain it is readily converted to the more toxic mercury ion. Vaccines containing mercury are strongly link to autism.

Toxic Effects of Mercury

Mercury is fat soluble and it accumulates in fat containing tissues such as the brain, heart, kidneys and liver. It reacts with a number of important structures and chemicals in the organs. Mercury concentrates in cell nucleus, and in even low doses it can cause damage to DNA. Damaged DNA can lead to cancer and degenerative brain disease. Changes, or damage, to DNA can be passed on to subsequent generations, so any children you have after the damage can inherit the problem or risk it produces.

The heart is especially sensitive to mercury toxicity. One study of people with an often fatal disorder called idiopathic cardiomyopathy found that their heart muscle contained a level of mercury that was 22,000 times higher than that seen in hearts of other people the same age. This disorder causes heart failure and people with the problem can require a heart transplant. The elderly with pre-existing heart disease, who receive yearly flu vaccines, are particularly at risk as the flu vaccines still contain mercury.

The brain is another organ that is particularly sensitive to the accumulation of mercury. Most of us have heard the old saying mad as a hatter. This saying originated from the felt hat industry during the 17th through the 19th centuries. It was commonly observed that people who worked in the industry walked as if they were drunk. They were also quite irritable and exhibited bizarre behavior. It was discovered that a form of mercury used in the manufacture of felt hats was to blame.

Mercury can alter how the brain functions, particularly the memory, concentration, motor control and behavior. Depression, memory loss, moodiness, irritability, a lack of interest in events, a desire to be alone, shyness and outbursts of anger are all signs of mercury poisoning. Low doses of mercury, even for short periods, can cause changes to brainwaves observed on an electrocortigram.

High mercury levels in the brain, blood or spinal fluid has been found in people with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer s and Parkinson s disease and Lou Gehrig s disease. Studies have found that people with Alzheimer s disease have blood mercury levels twice as high as those who were free of the disease. This would also explain the 10-times increase in Alzheimer s disease observed in elderly people who get annual flu vaccines for five years. Several studies have shown improvement in MS patients who had their amalgam fillings removed and subsequently went through chelation to purge them of mercury.

What You Can Do

* Try to avoid mercury as much as you are able, including in atmospheric pollution, dental fillings, contaminated seafood and avoid vaccines that contain mercury.
* If you have concerns you can have your urine, hair and stool checked for mercury levels. If the levels are high (above 10 ug/g of creatine) you can use a chelation agent to remove the mercury.
* Perspiration removes mercury. Exercising will increase the perspiration, but a new study found that exercise redistributes the mercury and this concentrates the mercury in the brain and heart muscle.
* Garlic extract neutralizes much of the toxicity and removes a great deal of the mercury from the brain over time. The advantage of this natural substance over drugs is that it can be taken all the time.
* A purified extract of the Chlorella plant have been shown to chelate mercury, and they can be taken daily.
* Vitamin and mineral supplements are useful. In particular, vitamin E protects DNA against mercury damage. Also alpha-lipoic acid, zinc and selenium have proven roles. Zinc and selenium play a major role in protecting the brain against mercury toxicity. It is thought that selenium protects fish from the damage caused by mercury.
* You need cleanse your body of toxic material, including mercury, so that everything is able to work effectively.

Conclusion Mercury is a dangerous toxin that should be avoided as much as possible. Avoidance is not impossible but does require attention to the sources of mercury discussed above. If you believe you may be suffering from mercury toxicity, possibly because you realize that you have had significant exposure and recognize that you have several relevant symptoms, I recommend you consult a naturopathic doctor who will be able to assess your condition and if necessary, order some tests and recommend appropriate treatment.

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About alien:
Read out Natural herbs . Also check out for pregnancy diet and aloe vera capsule

Alternative Medicines - Garlic and Onion

Since ancient times, garlic and onion were always present in even the smallest herb gardens. Both were so widely cultivated for food and medicine purposes around the world, that the wild forms of these two members of the lily family are long gone.

Characteristic aroma and medicinal value of alliums (bulbous plants of the lily family, including: onions, garlic, chives, leeks and shallots) are brought about by sulfur and carbon compounds that neutralize harmful bacteria.

Garlic’s taste has just as many fans as garlic’s “repellant breath” (according to Pliny, Roman’s naturalist and author, 23/24-79 A.D.) has enemies. So much so that in ancient Roman times some of the temples would not let entering those who ate garlic. The fear of “foul odor” stretched as far as affecting the use – or the lack of use - of onion and garlic in fine urban cooking recipes.

At the same time, common Roman folk used both onion and garlic as cure-all in rural areas where both were also among important food staples.

On the other hand, alliums used as aphrodisiac were highly valued by ancient Romans and Greeks and were therefore widely used in love potions, mixed with some other herbs.

While wealthy Romans were picky about when, where and how to use garlic and onions, ancient Egyptians accredited them both with magical powers and swore oaths to onion and garlic as if they were equal to gods.

Nevertheless, garlic is a traditional remedy, used for all kinds of infections, especially before the rise of antibiotics. During the World War I soldier’s wounds were being dressed with garlic. Other uses for garlic have always been: chest and ear infections, colds and flu, digestive infections, rid of intestinal parasites, circulatory problems and strokes, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, reducing blood sugar and even supporting conventional antibiotics and warding off their side effects.

Onion, milder in aroma, now grown and used as a vegetable, also has a long list of traditional medical virtues. Some are similar to those of garlic, but onion has also been used for preventing oral infection and tooth decay, and to stimulate hair growth and circulation. Onion juice, mixed with honey is a traditional treatment for colds.

The list of historically proven benefits of alliums is long. The smell, though, stays strong. Luckily, Mother Nature provided us not only with natural antibiotics but also with herbal solutions for “stinking exhalations”. One of them is raw parsley leaves. Chew – and sweeten your breath (especially after enjoying raw garlic or onion – for whatever reason).

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About alien:
Read out Natural herbs . Also check out for pregnancy diet and aloe vera capsule

Friday, July 4, 2008

Dandelions Are An Herbal Plant And A Medicinal Plant Not Just A Weed

You can use dandelions as an herbal plant and a medicinal plant; it's no longer just a weed. You can use the dandelion roots to make tinctures or teas. The dandelion flower can be used to make dandelion wine and the leaves can be chopped and added to salads, soups or stews. The versatility of the dandelion herb is astounding.

Long ago physicians treated patients according to the Doctrine of the Signatures. They believed that herbs were signed by God to indicate their medicinal usage by color. Therefore, they treated jaundice with a dandelion tonic because of its yellow hue. In Victorian days cooks grew dandelions in their kitchen gardens for addition to their recipes and of course, to make dandelion wine.

The French call it the dent-de-lion or lion's tooth. They feel that the petals reminds them of lion's teeth. It has acquired many nick names along the years including, blow ball or puff ball, tell-the-time and clockflower. The puff ball moniker refers to days after the flowering, when a feather globe of seeds appears to be blown in the wind to a new destination. It is said that the dandelion can foretell the weather. If the day is to be fine the flower will open fully. If the flower ball remains tightly closed it is a sign of rain.

The dandelion grows across the United States and Canada. It has a long growing period that lasts from spring to fall. Early spring is the best time to harvest the green leaves before the dandelion flowers. Once the dandelion has flowered the leaves will be very bitter. The dandelion leaves have more iron that spinach and more carotene than carrots.

That common dandelion weed is packed with minerals such as calcium, magnesium phosphorous, iron, zinc and selenium. Added to that, it supplies vitamins B1, B2, B3, C and E. Who knew?

The dandelion as an herbal plant has many uses. You can use the flowers to make dandelion wine. Just grind up one cup of the flowers into 4 cups of white wine, put in an air tight container and let it steep for 4 weeks. Of course, strain out the flowers before drinking. The leaves make a tea or can be used chopped in a salad, soups and stews. The roots can be made into a caffeine free coffee after roasting or dry them for tinctures. The entire dandelion can be used as an herbal plant or a medicinal plant. Just make sure to dig deep when harvesting the dandelion as it has a very long tap root.

Another useful way to use the dandelion herb is to juice a big bowl of it with ½ of an apple. You will find it a very easy way to supplement your diet with the beneficial properties of the dandelion plant.

The dandelion as a medicinal plant can be used in a variety of ways. In the spring pick young leaves to be eaten in salads to take advantage of all those vitamins and minerals. Pick mature leaves, before the dandelion flowers, for their diuretic qualities to cleanse the bladder and urinary tract. The leaves made into teas will help ease water retention associated with PMS. The milky sap that oozes out of the stem is said to remove warts.

So the dandelion is no longer just a weed, it can be used as an herbal plant and a medicinal plant. Or view it as a fun memory of your childhood. How many of us can remember braiding "necklaces" out of dandelions as young children. Or, remember the delight of blowing on the puff ball to scatter its seeds. It is time to become reacquainted with the dandelion and all it is worth.

Copyright © 2006 Mary Hanna All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

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About Mary Hanna:
About the Author Mary Hanna is an aspiring herbalist who lives in Central Florida. This allows her to grow gardens inside and outside year round. She has published other articles on Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at,, and

Adder's Tongue or Serpent's Tongue


This herb has but one leaf, which grows with the stalk a finger's length above the ground, being flat and of a fresh green colour; broad like Water Plantain, but less, without any rib in it; from the bottom of which leaf, on the inside, rises up (ordinarily) one, sometimes two or three slender stalks, the upper half where of is somewhat bigger, and dented with small dents of a yellowish green colour, like the tongue of an adder serpent (only this is as useful as they are formidable). The roots continue all the year.


It grows in moist meadows, and such like places.


It is to be found in Mayor April, for it quickly perishes with a little heat.

Government and virtues.

It is an herb under the dominion of the Moon and Cancer, and therefore if the weakness of the retentive faculty be caused by an evil in influence of Saturn in any part of the body governed by the Moon, or under the dominion of Cancer, this herb cures it by sympathy. It cures these diseases after specified, in any part of the body under the influence of Saturn, by antipathy.

It is temperate in respect of heat, but dry in the second degree. The juice of the leaves, drank with the distilled water of Horse-tail, is a singular remedy for all manner of wounds in the breast, bowels, or other parts of the body, and is given with good success to those that are troubled with casting, vomiting, or bleeding at the mouth or nose, or otherwise downwards. The said juice given in the distilled water of Oaken-buds, is very good for women who have their usual courses, or the whites flowing down too abundantly. It helps sore eyes. Of the leaves infused or boiled in oil, omphacine or unripe olives, set in the sun four certain days, or the green leaves sufficiently boiled in the said oil, is made an excellent green balsam, not only for green and fresh wounds, but also for old and inveterate ulcers, especially if a little fine clear turpentine be dissolved therein. It also stays and refreshes all inflammations that arise upon pains by hurts and wounds.

What parts of the body are under each planet and sign, and also what disease may be found in my astrological judgment of diseases; and for the internal work of nature in the body of man; as vital, animal, natural and procreative spirits of man; the apprehension, judgment, memory; the external senses, viz. seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling; the virtuous, attractive, retentive, digestive, expulsive, &c. under the dominion of what planets they are, may be found in my Ephemeris for the year 1651. In both which you shall find the chaff of authors blown away by the fame of Dr. Reason, and nothing but rational truths left for the ingenious to feed upon.

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About alien:

Alien writes for natural herbs. He also writes for herbal remedies and you can get more information on herbal medicines .

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Muira Puama - Side Effects and Benefits

Botanical Name of Muira Puama: Ptychopetalum olacoides

Other Common Names: Potency wood, mara puama, marapuama, marapama raiz del macho, and potenzholz.

Habitat: Muira puama, or potency wood, is native to the Brazilian Amazon. It requires a tropical climate and plentiful moisture to thrive.

Plant Description: Muira puama is a small bush/tree that grows to a height of 5 meters and produces small, white, jasmine-scented flowers.

Plant Parts Used: The bark and root of this tree are used for medical purposes.

Therapeutic Uses, Benefits and Claims of Muira Puama

* Muira puama has been used traditionally by tribes in Brazil and the surrounding South American countries. It is a popular, though not well researched, herbal supplement in Europe and North and South Americas.
* Traditionally this herb was used by indigenous tribes as an aphrodisiac and to treat impotence. Chewing the barks, stems or root was the most popular method of administration.
* Muira puama has also been used as a tonic for nervous conditions and depressions. It has been used to promote overall nerve function and to relieve nerve pain.
* Some Amazonian tribes have used this medicinal herb to treat dysentery and rheumatism. A paste of the bark and/or root oils has also been applied topically to treat beriberi and paralysis.
* In Europe, around 1930, it became a popular supplement for treating erectile dysfunction. It has been shown to be as effective as yohimbine in some cases, without the adverse side effects.
* Although clinical studies and research are sparse, muira puama is still promoted today as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and as a male aphrodisiac.
* It has also been used for gastrointestinal disorders and as a treatment for indigestion.
* Muira puama does have a stimulant effect that leaves the user with a general feeling of well-being when taken in proper doses. Large doses may cause an overstimulation leaving the user feeling restless and affecting sleep.
* This herbal supplement has also been shown, in animal studies, to improve mental focus and clarity. It may also help improve concentration and short term memory.
* It is also used to treat hair loss.
* Its stimulant effect also makes it useful as a herb for depression.
* Women have used muira puama to treat the discomforts of menopause, as well as cramping associated with menstruation.
* Muira puama can be combined with other herbs, such as damiana, guarana, catuaba, and suma, to increase its effects.

Dosage and Administration

Indigenous tribes in South America have taken this herbal supplement by chewing the bark or brewing a tea using the bark, stems or roots. The common dosage used today is 1 to 1.5 grams of the bark, stem, and/or root. Muira puama is available as an extract or in powdered form in capsules.

Potential Side Effects of Muira Puama

Muira puama appears to be relatively safe at the dosages expressed above. Insomnia and restlessness have been noted with high doses. Due to lack of research with human subjects, women who are pregnant or lactating should avoid taking this supplement. Safety in children has also not been determined. There has not been any toxicity noted with long term use on muira puama. There do not appear to be any drug interactions with this supplement, although it may increase the effect of erectile dysfunction drugs and supplements.

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About alien:
Alien writes for Natural herbs . He also writes for herbs and asthma home remedies

Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) - Side Effects and Benefits

Botanical Name of Passion Flower: Passiflora incarnata

Other Common Names: Maypop, passiflora, passionflower.

Habitat: Passion flower is native to North, Central, and South America. This plant is mostly tropical, but some varieties may grow in colder climates. Passion flower prefers shaded, dry areas, such as those along fences and woods. It can be cultivated from a cutting or seeds in full sun with good drainage.

Plant Description: The Passion flower plant has a long vine which may grow to 9.2 meters in length. It has alternate, serrate leaves with finely toothed lobes. The white flowers have a purple center. The mystery of the beautiful blossom developing from an unassuming bud was compared to the Passion of Christ because the plant parts were thought to represent the crucifixion, giving rise to the name Passion Flower. This flower blooms from May to July. The fruit of this plant, which is called a granadilla, is a smooth, yellow, ovate berry containing many seeds.

Plant Parts Used: The leaves, stems, and flowers are all used in medicinal uses.

Therapeutic Uses, Benefits and Claims of Passion Flower

* Traditionally, Passion flower has been used for its sedative effect. Due to this effect it has been used as a herbal sleep aid and is considered a good herb to relieve anxiety.
* Historically, it was also used to treat gastrointestinal spasms.
* Passion flower has a hypotensive effect (lowers blood pressure) and also relieves tachycardia (fast heart rate.)
* The anti-spasmodic effect makes this herb useful in treating the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, seizures, and hysteria.
* This herb has also been used to treat nerve pain and shingles.
* Asthma, especially with a high level of spasmodic activity, responds well to passion flower use.
* It can be combined with valerian, hops, and Jamaican dogwood for an effective herbal insomnia treatment.
* Passion flower may also have a mild aphrodisiac effect.
* Research is being done on the effect of passion flower as a treatment in opiate withdrawal.

Dosage and Administration

Passion flower is available as a dry herb, tea, tincture,in extracts or in capsule/tablet form. Four to eight grams of the dried herb can be taken daily in divided doses. The tincture can be taken in 3-4 doses of 5-10 ml per day. The capsules usually come in 200-400 mg doses taken two to three times a day. This herb is often combined with other herbs in formulas designed for specific conditions.

Side Effects and Possible Interactions of Passion Flower

There have been no major side effects noted with Passion flower use. Caution should be taken when first taking this herb while driving or operating machinery. Use of this herb with prescription sedatives is not advised due to the cumulative effect. This herb may also interact with MAO-inhibitors.

Sustainable Living Articles @

About alien:
Alien writes for Natural herbs . He also writes for herbs and asthma home remedies

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Top Five Herbal Teas

Herbal Teas are quickly becoming the tea of choice to many tea drinkers, as a multitude of new and unique herbal blends are becoming available. With all the new options, what is the difference, and why should I drink one over the other ? A benefit with herbal teas is that not only will the tastes vary, but so too will the herbal benefits.

Below are my top 5 Herbal Teas.

Lemongrass – Lemongrass is a very popular herbal tea with a refreshing Lemon taste and aroma. Though Herbal Teas are caffeine free, Lemongrass still provides an uplifting feeling due to its light and refreshing taste. Both hot and iced, Lemongrass tea is a popular herbal beverage in Day Spas due its cleansing properties. While fully hydrating the body, Lemongrass helps to rid your body of toxins that harm everything in our body, inside and out.

Bael Fruit – Though not a common herbal tea, Bael Fruit is one of the best. A light and refreshing tea, this herbal beverage is especially good iced. The taste is hard to describe, as it is a taste unique to itself, though it is light and smooth. Herbal Remedies associated with Bael Fruit are helping to make one mentally alert. Bael Fruit makes an excellent, sugar free, drink for children as well as adults. More info on Bael Fruit.

Mulberry – Well known in Thailand, Mulberry tea is an herbal beverage with many remedies associated with it; most significantly helping to lower cholesterol. Also popular, is allergy relief provided by this herbal beverage. The list continues with benefits to both hair and eyes. The taste of Mulberry is sweet, and considered by some to taste like sea weed (a taste very popular in Asian Cultures).

Pandan – Very popular in Thailand, and only now beginning to make its way to the western world, Pandan is an herbal tea with a sweetly toasted taste. Herbal Remedies associated with Pandan include most significantly lowering of blood sugar and blood pressure. In addition to this are benefits to heart and kidney functions.

Wild Flower – This unique Herbal blend is from a company making a range of new herbal teas highly accessible, Sabaidi Tea Co., Ltd. Wild Flower contains, Chrysanthemum, Lemongrass, and Mulberry. In addition to the benefits associated with Lemongrass and Mulberry, such as removing your body of toxins, lowering cholesterol, and allergy relief, Wild Flower can also help lower blood pressure as an herbal remedy associated with Chrysanthemum.

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About Sabaidi:
Sabaidi Tea is a gourmet tea manufacturer based in Thailand. Gourmet teas and Herbal Teas are sold loose as well as in Sabaidi's uniquely designed, reusable Sabaidi Tea Bags.