
Friday, October 24, 2008

Herbs for Stress and Seven Essential Elements of Lowering Your Stress Level

There’s good stress and there’s bad stress. Herbs for stress may be the answer. Your body is under stress when you encounter a new and exciting challenge, or when you face sudden danger. Stress is part of what helps you embrace an exciting or dangerous situation and overcome it.
Stress becomes bad stress when it stops being occasional. If you’re frequently or continually stressed, then you may develop health problems: high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, or cancer. Stress can lead to depression or even suicide. Stress is one of the most significant health factors we face today.

What To Do About Stress
Those of us who routinely feel stressed (which may be most of us) have a problem. The solution is fairly obvious: we need to reduce our stress. How do we do that? There is no one way to eliminate stress. Herbs for stress will go a long way. A blend of rainforest herbs for stress can soothe and relax you, with no side effects and no dependency. Yet you’ll lower your stress level more effectively if you combine herbs for stress with some relaxation techniques and changes in your lifestyle. Here are seven essential tools for lowering your stress level.

#1: Think about your life. If you can identify what is stressful in your life, you may be able to reduce your stress. Maybe your job is stressful because you’re taking on too many obligations, and you need to learn to say no. Maybe you could spend another hour in the city at the end of the day (and exercise in the gym!) and miss the stressful rush hour on the way home. Stress doesn’t create itself, and most problems have solutions. Look for them.

#2: Take time for yourself. In our busy lives, it’s extremely hard to keep time for yourself a priority. But it’s absolutely essential. You need a lot of time—just 15 or 20 minutes of quiet a day will make a huge difference. Take breaks during your day to walk outside or just think about something pleasant. Drink some herbal tea.

#3: Exercise. Exercise is the most effective medicine there is. Exercise lowers your blood pressure, boosts your immune system, regulates your moods, and generally looks after your body and spirit. The secret all regular exercisers know is this: give time to exercise, and exercise will give time back! When you exercise, you feel happier and have more energy, which means greater efficiency.

#4: Get a massage. Sound like a luxury? It’s not. A massage releases stress in your muscles and eases your mind. Take a little time for yourself and spend it in a massage. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

#5: Practice positive thinking. Practice seeing problems as opportunities. Let go of the things you can’t change. Concentrate on the present and the positive.

#6: Practice relaxation techniques. Three good relaxation techniques are visualization, autogenic relaxation, and progressive muscle relaxation. All of these can be practiced for short periods of time while sitting at your desk. When you practice visualization, you visualize a peaceful location, maybe a garden or your family’s cabin. Bring up all the sights, sounds, smells, and textures that you can, and immerse yourself in your happy place. With autogenic relaxation, you focus on a peaceful image and then consciously breathe slowly and relax your muscles. With progressive muscle relaxation, you slowly tense and relax each muscle group. This is very helpful for people who have difficulty relaxing.

#7: Eat well. Don’t smoke. Watch the alcohol. And go to sleep! Our body is stressed by more than emotions. Overeating, over-drinking, smoking, and lack of sleep stress the body. Consider a cup of tea from herbs for stress instead. They also affect your body’s ability to deal with external stress. Consider a cup of herbs for your stress. You’ll be better off if you eat just enough, drink just enough (one glass of red wine may help lower your blood pressure), don’t smoke, and get enough sleep at night. Some of us want to practice relaxation, but we can’t lower our stress enough. We sit still and try to think of pretty things and all the quiet time does is remind us of how stressed we are! Don’t panic! It’s hard to change your life, and you don’t have to try all at once. A blend of relaxing rainforest herbs is an easy addition. Hopefully, herbs for stress relief and twenty minutes in your “happy place” will encourage you enough to go to the gym. Step by step, you’ll find yourself more relaxed, happier, and healthier.

This article is free for republishing
Author: Terra Mar

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