
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Aloe Vera For Sunburn And Different Natural Herbs

Aloe vera for sunburn is one of the most common known uses of this plant as well as for treating minor burns and skin irritations too. Using the gel of this plant by breaking the stems off soothes irritated and painful sunburns and helps promote faster healing. These plants are easily found in garden centers and even in some grocery stores.

A common mistake many people make when it comes to being burned by the sun is to put lotions or some types of ointments on the affected areas right away. This will make the pain and blistering worse as the heat will be trapped within your skin and locked there.

Wait for the skin affected to cool down first before applying these. Here are some tips to get it feeling better. You may take pain medication or aspirin for the first 48 - 72 hours to help you rest better. Aloe gel or juice works the best for sunburn but there are other options to consider as well.

To get the heat cooled down you should invest in a bottle of spray vitamin E oil or even the capsules. Spray vitamin E on affected areas or puncture and squeeze oil from capsules onto them. A paste made of water and baking soda placed on areas also is an old helpful tip to help with the pain and decrease blisters.

Believe it or not, herbal tea is actually used in the soothing of sun burned skin as well. Combine peppermint, calendula and lavender leaves that are dried and make a tea. Then you should let tea cool and soak a thin cloth in it wringing out slightly, you want to keep as much of the wetness in cloth as possible.

Lay on affected skin for relaxing and cooling feeling. This specific home remedy has been used for a very long time. Oatmeal soaked in hot water is another little known home remedy. Let the oatmeal cool until it is cold then carefully place on the skin which is hurting.

The oatmeal helps healing occur more quickly thanks to the mega-B vitamins it contains and is also very great for nourishing the skin too. For less severe burns you can slice up some chilled cold cucumbers and place on the skin, this works as a cooling agent and will make your skin feel better pretty quick.

You can also use plain yogurt and buttermilk applied with cotton balls or gauze, gently sponging onto your skin. The one thing you should remember about this though is that you should shower it off later in the day or you will end up smelling of curdled milk.

Aloe vera for sunburn is the simplest and most common to find. Prevention and sun smarts are still your best plan of defense though. Always wear sunscreen if you are going to be out in the sun for prolonged periods and for convenience keep some aloe plants in your home as they work well for minor kitchen burns as well.

Discover more details on the healing powers of Aloe Vera and the use of Aloe Vera for sun burn at Aloe Vera benefits.

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